General Rules
General Rules and Regulation
Parents are responsible for the safety and supervision of their child or children at all times.
Play is at your own risk.
Absolutely NO shoes on green carpet.
Everyone MUST wear socks at all times.
No Strollers on carpet.
NO food or beverages may be brought in beyond the vestibule, as we have a licensed food service area.
Each child must be accompanied AND watched by their parent or other responsible adult.
The adults accompanying each child are responsible for the safety and behavior of their children.
Children using the monkey-bars MUST have direct adult supervision.
No ride on toys on the “Soft-Play” area.
No toys down any slides.
Hippity-hop balls are only for hopping on.
Children must remain seated when eating or drinking, as this helps keep the children safe and our facility clean and is just plain good manners.
Please TEACH your child to pick up after themselves and return items they are finished with to WHERE they belong so other children may use them.
Any unacceptable behavior, including foul language, rough housing, and disrespect for others and our facility may result in immediate expulsion from the facility (with no refunds).
Play at your own risk!